15 Types entered into “Friend Zone” and did NOT take Notice. With the 7th will Make You Cry at Laughter!

September 18, 2018

The phrase ‘friend zone’ became part of our lives as fast as the word ‘selfie’. However, unlike the other word, ‘friend zone’ is always pronounced with a dose of sarcasm and compassion.


We gathered some guys who have heard the phrase “I love you like a friend” by the girl of their dreams at least once in their lives.

1. “It seems like I entered a whole new zone … The zone of the son …”

2. He has not understood yet …


3. “It is not my boy but I fell in love with his hugs, his laughter, his kindness and his humor. I feel like I fell in love with his friendship. “

4. “You know, the more He puts you in” Hi “, the more he cares about you. Hello! “


5. «My Friend!»

6. Friends Forever!

7. When you’ve got so deep into the friend zone you’ve begun to enjoy:




-Mildly, I could find a guy like you.
-I am not like me?
-This is my friend.
-Look here, naughty girl!


-You’re the most beautiful girl on the planet.
-You’re a good friend. Thank you, Alan.

10. “Drive one hour to see me. Friends forever.”

13. “I am so deep in my friend zone that I helped her friend build a shed.”



– Hey James. My friend does not seem to be doing well. Can you make him look like he’s amused?
– She’s doing well.
(Look at his blouse)

12. A bed that captures perfectly what a friend zone means.



– We look so much like a couple.
-Mother from hangers.


-I like you very much.
-Yes. You marry my sister – so I’ll see you every day.

15. It seems like someone is bored to be a friend.

Has it ever happened to you?